Best Easter Wishes

best easter wishesThis Easter card offers more symbols of the reason for the holiday. It includes a drawing of what appears to be a large cathedral (sadly, not identified on the card) framed in a cross. Four golden crosses surround the larger cross and a spray of dewdrop flowers go across the entire card. The face reads Best Easter Wishes.

From my own post card collection, this Easter wish was printed by Stegher Quality Rochester sometime before 1915 when it was sent. It is marked as being made in U.S.A. and part of Series 81. Unfortunately, I was unable to find any information about the company other than some other post cards folks are selling.

Rochester, NY has a cathedral but it doesn’t have two spires like the one on my Easter postcard. There’s a far more famous cathedral in Rochester England but it doesn’t match either. Perhaps someone will recognize the building and share the name of it with us. In the meantime, I hope some finds Best Easter Wishes useful.

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